Choose the right variant 1 science правописание естествознание

Тесты для 7 класса
тест по английскому языку (7 класс) по теме

к учебнику Enjoy English


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Предварительный просмотр:

Entrance Test (the 7 th form)

I. Choose the right variant:

1. My parents _____ the noisy city. They want to go to the country next week.

A are full of B are tired of C are responsible for D are sure of

2. Will you ____ our society of young scientists?

A enjoy B join C go D come

3. Have you bought Christmas presents for all your ____?

A relations B situations C relatives D nicknames

4. The weather was fine and we spent the whole day in the _____ air.

A fine B open C close D healthy

5. Have you ever heard of the London Zoological ____?

A society B house C wild animal park D insect

6. Have you ever been to Ostankinskaya Tower? Let’s go there. It’s ______ visiting.

A nice B well C well-known D worth

7. What ___ of people are they?

A king B character C lot D kind

8. Let’s have breakfast. I’ve already ___ the table.

A cleared B put C taken out D set

9. I am fond of music and I always watch ______ programmes.

A political B music C musical D social

10. My aunt is going to cook a giant ____.

A pepper B pie C picnic D party

11. In London most museums are _____.

A new B local C free D friendly

12. Look at the dirty shirt! He has just ____ with Sam.

A played the piano B had a fight C joined D watched

13. “Andrew, ___ rubbish, please,” his mother said.

A get rid of B take out C bring D wash up

14. This place _____ for its old church.

A is responsible B is made C is founded D is famous

15. The two sisters had a lot in ________.

A common B characteristic C alike D programme

16. The writer was born in the 19 th ______.

A century B year C calendar D age

17.Are these beautiful flowers ___?

A domestic B enjoyable C fresh D natural

18. His ____ brother joined us an hour later.

A elder B older C bigger D greater

19. Read the cinema _____ and find out what kind of film it is.

A show B advert C programme D signal

20.The scientist couldn’t ____ his works for a long time.

A put B spend C learn D publish

II. Choose the right variant:

1. L. Carroll is ___ famous English writer, isn’t she?

2. He has already ___ his puppy for a walk.

A took B taken C will take

3. Her elder sister ____ a great party recently.

A is arranging B arranged C has arranged D arranges

4. I _____ this science fiction story recently.

A read B have read C will read

5. My brother has just ___ his best friend at the zoo.

A meet B met C will meet

6. London is the capital of ___ United Kingdom.

7. The scientist has never ___ the little rhino.

A watched B watching C watch

8. His little sister usually ___ care of their pets.

A is taking B took C has taken D takes

9. Tomorrow they _____ yellow and red leaves in the autumn forest.

A collect B will collect C collected

10. Every year he ______ special presents for his nephews.

A buys B bought C has bought

11. We went to the cinema yesterday. ____ film was dull.

12. Have you ever ___ to Westminster Abbey?

A were B be C been

13. Yesterday we ___ out and had a nice time at the disco.

A are going B went C go D has gone

14. Look! The children ______ tennis outside.

A play B played C are playing

15. We ___ ___ to give up this job.

A has gone B are going C will go

16. My cousin is ___ best pupil in the school.

17. The old man has already ___ with his cat.

A play B played C playing

18. My nephew is tired. He ___ just __ out rubbish.

A ha gone B has taken C will take

19. She ____ not decorate her room yesterday.

A does B will C did

20. Would you like ___ cup of tea?

III. Read the text and do the tasks that follow:

In England people do a lot of strange things. Everything is not like (4) in Europe. For example, the English are fond of talking about weather. They usually start every conversation (1) with a little remark about it. If you don’t say anything about weather, they will think you are terribly boring. The Europeans usually talk about the weather when they don’t have anything else to discuss. The English sense of humour is very special. You can offend people on the continent (2) if you make jokes about their clothes, their jobs, their lifestyle. But the English do it (3) every now and then and find nothing bad in it. English people are also very sarcastic so you must be ready to be laughed at. The English are proud of their difference from Europe and indeed (5) they are different in many ways.

1. Choose the best title for the text.

  1. English humour
  2. England and Europe
  3. English ways
  4. The English are proud

2. According to the text, the Europeans

  1. are terribly boring
  2. seldom talk about the weather
  3. usually don’t have anything to discuss
  4. are not easily offended

3. According to the text, the English

  1. are very sarcastic
  2. talk about the weather all the time
  3. hate when people laugh at them
  4. are mostly former Europeans

Тест на времена группы презент


1.Choose the right variant :

1.He … the test for 40 minutes.

a)writes b)has been writing c)is writing

2.We … already … the text.

a)have… translated b)has been translating c)are translating

3.They are flying over the ocean… .

a)for 3 hours b)every week c)at this moment

4.She often… by Delta.

a)travels b)is travelling c)has travelled

5.How long … you …reading this book?

a)have..been b)are c)is

6.MrsBrown … me English.

a)is teaching b)teach c)teaches

7.I have been studying History … .

a)for 5 years b)now c)already

8.I…not … you for ages.

a)have… seen b)have …been seeing c)don’t see

9.We … to school every day except Sunday.

a)are going b)goes c)go

10.Look out of the window! It … now.

a)rains b)is raining c)has been raining

2 . Раскройте скобки , чтобы получить Present Simple, Present

Continuous, Present Perfect Continuous или Present Perfect.

Is Andy here? – I don’t know, I … (not see) him today.

Where … you … (go)? – To the library.

Would you like … (borrow) this magazine? – No, thanks. I … (read) it before.

Betty’s bus … (arrive) at 5 o’clock. I must go and meet her at the bus station.

Have you seen my record book? I … (look) for it all the morning.

Mike … (talk) to his friend for an hour already.

The first lesson … (not finish) at 9.45

They … (play) football tonight.

School … (prepare) children for life.

…. you … (remember) where he … (work)?

3. Переведите на английский язык

В России выпадает много снега.

Мы едим в ресторанах раз в неделю.

Я написал письмо в газету.

Джордж ежегодно посещает музеи.

Нам нравится фильм.

Мой дядя ездит на выходные в деревню.

Они потратили много денег в Германии.

Температура быстро растет.

Майкл имеет свою мастерскую уже в течение 15 лет.

Я слушаю французскую песню.

1.b 2.a 3.c 4.a 5.a 6.c 7.a 8.a 9.c 10.b

It snows a lot in Russia. (В России выпадает много снега.)

We eat in restaurants once a week. (Мы едим в ресторанах раз в неделю.)

I have written a letter to a newspaper. (Я написал письмо в газету.)

George visits film festivals every year. (Джордж ежегодно посещает кинофестивали.)

We are enjoying the film. (Нам нравится фильм.)

My uncle drives to the country at weekends. (Мой дядя ездит на выходные в деревню.)

They have spent a fortune in Los Angeles! (Они потратили целое состояние в Лос-Анджелесе!)

The temperature is rising fast. (Температура быстро растет.)

Michael has already had his workshop for 15 years. (Майкл имеет свою мастерскую уже в течение 15 лет.)

I am listening to a French song. (Я слушаю французскую песню.)

Курс повышения квалификации

Дистанционное обучение как современный формат преподавания

Курс повышения квалификации

Специфика преподавания английского языка с учетом требований ФГОС

Курс повышения квалификации

Актуальные вопросы преподавания английского языка в условиях реализации ФГОС

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Тест Настоящие времена

Present Tenses/Revision Variant 4

  1. About 85% of American students………public schools, which are supported by state a) are attending b) attend c) have attended
  2. You may take this magazine. I……..through it already a) look b) am looking c) have looked
  3. Nora, you look awful tired. What…….all day?
  1. have you been doing b) are you doing c) Do you do d) have you done
  1. Sara, my next door neighbor, has a car but she ….it very often a) don’t use b) isn’t using c) doesn’t use
  2. Peter and Mary ……on the platform. They have been waiting for their train for an hour a) are standing b) have been standing c) stand d) stands
  3. I can’t speak about the book. I (not read) it yet. A) read b) haven’t reads c) hasn’t read d) haven’t read
  4. Every day I (wind up) my watch at 7 o’clock in the morning. A) reads b) read c) am reading
  5. It’s Friday. … you (see) him this week? A) have seen b) has seen c) is seeing
  6. It’s a pity, but I (not buy) this dictionary yet. A) bought b) buys c) haven’t bought
  7. We (do) many exercises in class now. A) does b) are doing c) have done
  8. He (tell) this joke many times. A) have told b) tells c) has told
  9. I already (translate) these sentences into French. A) am translating b) have translated c) translated
  10. They (have) their English once a week. A) has b) are having c) have
  11. She usually (get) many good marks. A) has got b) is getting c) gets
  12. We (buy) a new TV set this year. A) buys b) have bought c) is buying
  13. They … (play) football tonight. A) play b) have been playing c) are playing
  14. Я ем фрукты каждый день.
  15. Я обедаю сейчас
  16. Я обедаю уже час.
  17. Я уже съел яблоко

Choose the right variant:

1.He … the test for 40 minutes. a) has been writing b writes) c)is writing

2. We … already … the text. a)h as … translated b)has been translating c)have translated

3.They are flying over the ocean… . a) at this moment b) for 3 hours every week c)

4.She often… by Delta. a) travels b)is travelling c)has travelled

5.How long … you …reading this book? a) are b) have..been c) has been

6.MrsBrown … me English. a)is teaching b) teaches c) teach

7.I have been studying History … . a) already b)now c) for 5 years

8.I…not … you for ages. a)have… seen b)have …been seeing c)hasn’t seen

9.We … to school every day except Sunday. a)are going b)go c)goes

10.Look out of the window! It … now. a) is raining b) rains c)has been raining

11. I ( sit) in the waiting room now a) sit b) am sitting c) is sitting

12 He (go) for a walk after dinner a) goes b) go c) is going

13/ My mother (work) at a factory for 5 years a) has been working b) is working c) works

14/ You (play) chess now? A) are playing b) play c) have been playing

15/ I ( not write) a test yet. a) hasn’t written b) haven’t written c) don’t write

`16/ He (understand) grammar rules now. A) understand b) understands c) is understanding

17/ Она играет на пианино сейчас

18. Она играет на пианино каждый день

19. Она играет на пианино уже 5 лет

20. Она сыграла мелодию сегодня на концерте
