Определите время сказуемого в предложениях his sister studies at school

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Задание 10.3. Определите время сказуемого в сле­
дующих предложениях.
1) Present Indefinite
2) Past Indefinite
3) Future Indefinite
1. His sister studies at school. 2.You will see him
tomorrow. 3. I went to the college at 7 o’clock. 4. Who
took my book? 5. They work every day. 6. I shall read
this book next week. 7. We translated this text last lesson.
8. What books does he usually read? 9. She will visit you
soon. 10. We shall be good specialists in some years. 11. My
father went to Moscow yesterday. 12. Who knows him?
13. At last she opened the window. 14. You’ll take this
book in the library. 15. Do you often visit your parents?
16. He knew these words well. 17. Shall I read this text?
18. His children like music. 19. Did they go to the village? 20. Tomorrow we’ll go to the cinema.

Упражнения по теме Present Simple (с ответами)

Выполните следующие упражнения, проверьте свои ответы

Упражнение 1. Поставьте глаголы в следующих предложениях в утвердительную, вопросительную и отрицательную формы Present Simple.

Упражнение 2. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Simple.

Упражнение 3. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Simple.

Упражнение 4. Используйте слова в скобках для образования предложений в Present Simple. Обратите внимание, в какой форме должно стоять предложение (утвердительной, вопросительной или отрицательной).

Упражнение 5. Вставьте глагол “to be” в требуемой форме Present Simple.

Упражнение 6. Переведите на английский язык:

1. Она занята. (to be busy)
2. Я не занят.
3. Вы заняты?
4. Они дома? (to be at home)
5. Его нет дома.
6. Я не знаю.
7. Они знают?
8. Она не знает.
9. Кто знает?
10. Никто не знает.
11. Он читает английские книги? (to read English books)
12. Они никогда не читают. (never / to read)
13. У неё есть квартира? (to have a flat)
14. У него ничего нет.
15. Это кто?

Правильные ответы:

Упражнение 1. 1 — do, 2 — works, 3 — sleeps, 4 — work, 5 — drink, 6 — is, 7 — has, 8 — are, 9 — are, 10 – is.

Упражнение 2. 1 — has, 2 — is, 3 — is, 4 — gets, 5 — goes, 6 — is, 7 – does, 8 — has, 9 — goes, 10 — takes, 11 — takes, 12 — speaks, 13 — call, 14 — takes, 15 – goes.

Упражнение 3. 1 — begins, 2 — get, switch, brush, 3 — takes, 4 — have, 5 — leave, 6 — take, 7 — takes, 8 — begin, 9 — have, 10 — have.

Упражнение 4. 1 — play, 2 – does not (=doesn’t) write , 3 – Do (you) speak, 4 – does not (=doesn’t) like, 5 – Does (Ann) have, 6 — works, 7 – cannot (=can’t) read, 8 – Do (they) water, 9 – does not (=doesn’t) ride, 10 – Does (Elizabeth) drink.

Упражнение 5. 1 — am, 2 – is, is, 3 – Is, is, 4 – Are, are, are, 5 – Are, am, 6 – Is, is, is, 7 – Are, are, 8 – Is, is, 9 — is, 10 — are.

Упражнение 6. 1 – She is busy, 2 – I am not busy, 3 – Are you busy?, 4 – Are they at home?, 5 – He is not at home, 6 – I don’t know, 7 – Do they know?, 8 – She doesn’t know, 9 – Who knows?, 10 – No one (=Nobody) knows, 11 – Does he read English books?, 12 – They never read, 13 – Does she have a flat?, 14 – He doesn’t have anything (=He has nothing), 15 – Who is it?

The Present Simple Tense (Настоящее простое время). Упражнения с ответами

Настоящее простое время употребляется:

  • для выражения общеизвестного факта: Water boils at 100 °C. — Вода закипает при температуре 100 °C.
  • для выражения действия, которое регулярно повторяется и относится к настоящему времени: I usually have breakfast at 7 o ’clock. — Я обычно завтракаю в 7 часов.
  • для выражения действия в будущем времени, когда такое действие заранее запланировано (чаще с глаголами, которые обозначают движение: to go — идти, to come — приходить, to leave — оставлять, покидать, to start — начинать, to arrive — приезжать).
  • для выражения действий в будущем времени и условных предложений, которые вводятся союзами when — когда, after — после, before — перед, till, until — пока, as soon as — как только, if, unless — если не: If you come, we shall go to the concert. — Если ты придешь, мы пойдем на концерт.
  • для выражения действия, которое происходит в настоящем, для глаголов, которые обозначают чувства и и восприятие и не употребляются в Continuous/Progressive Tenses («длительные» времена): to see — видеть, to feel — чувствовать, to know — знать, to hear — слышать, to like — нравиться, to understand — понимать, to taste — чувствовать вкус, to sound — звучать, to hate — ненавидеть, to seem — казаться и т.д.

Подружились с настоящим простым временем? Сейчас проверим!

Exercise 1. Вставьте глагол to be в Present Simple.

  1. What … your name? — My name … Shirley Frank.
  2. What … your address? — My address … 175 Grand Central Parkway.
  3. What… your phone number? — My phone number … 718-1930.
  4. Where … you from? — I … from New York.
  5. I … a pupil.
  6. My father … not a teacher, he … a scientist.
  7. … your aunt a doctor? — Yes, she ….
  8. … they at home? — No, they … not at home, they … at work.
  9. My brother … a worker. He … at work.
  10. … you an engineer? — Yes, I … .
  11. … your sister a typist? — No, she … not a typist, she … a student.
  12. … your brother at school? — Yes, he … .
  13. … your sister at school? — No, she … not at school.
  14. My sister … at home.
  15. … this your watch? — Yes, it … .
  16. She … an actress.
  17. This … my bag.
  18. My uncle … an office work­er.
  19. He … at work.
  20. Helen … a painter. She has some fine pictures. They … on the walls. She has much paper. It … on the shelf. The shelf … brown. It … on the wall. Helen has a brother. He … a student. He has a family. His family … not in St. Petersburg, it … in Moscow.

Answers: 1. is, is. 2. is, is. 3. is, is. 4. are, am. 5. am. 6. is, is. 7. is, is. 8. are, are, are. 9. is, is. 10. are, am. 11. is, is, is. 12. is, is. 13. is, is. 14. is. 15. is, is. 16. is. 17. is. 18. is. 19. is. 20. is, are, is, is, is, is, is, is.

Exercise 2. Запишите глаголы в правильную колонку в третьем лице единственного числа в соответствии с правилами написания слов.

Cook, study, clean, buy, teach, go, fry, like, discuss, watch, drink, help, copy, run, tidy, open, pay, catch, swim, ride, do, mix, listen, fly, wish, meet, marry, come.


-es -ies

Answers: -s: cooks, cleans, buys, likes, drinks, helps, runs, opens, pays, swims, rides, listens, meets, comes.
-es: teaches, goes, discusses, watches, catches, does, mixes, wishes.
-ies: studies, fries, copies, tidies, flies, marries.

Exercise 3. Перепишите предложения в третьем лице единственного числа, используя слова в скобках.

  1. We always help our grandparents. (Mike)
  2. They like to swim in the swimming-pool. (Andy)
  3. I make the best pizza in our town. (Vicky)
  4. We meet our friends every weekend. (Larry)
  5. I know everything about cats. (Dolly)
  6. We write wonderful poems. (Nelly)
  7. You understand French well. (Garry)
  8. I teach my little brother to ride a bike. (Sam)
  9. Children often play with the ball in the yard. (Pam)
  10. Birds sing merrily in the tree. (A bird)
  11. You often fly to Prague. (My cousin)
  12. They always watch TV in the evening. (His mother)
  13. We sometimes see him in the library. (Alice)
  14. I usually wash the car on Saturday. (My father)
  15. You never tell lies. (Bill)

Answers: 1. Mike always helps his grandparents. 2. Andy likes to swim in the swimming-pool. 3. Vicky makes the best pizza in our town. 4. Larry meets our friends every weekend. 5. Dolly knows everything about cats. 6. Nelly writes wonderful poems. 7. Garry understands French well. 8. Sam teaches my little brother to ride a bike. 9. Pam often plays with the ball in the yard. 10. A bird sings merrily in the tree. 11. My cousin often flies to Prague. 12. His mother always watches TV in the evening. 13. Alice sometimes sees him in the library. 14. My father usually washes the car on Saturday. 15. Bill never tells lies.

Exercise 4. Дополните предложения подходящим словам из скобок.

  1. … likes to watch shows on TV. (I/you/she)
  2. … gather berries in the wood in summer. (he/we/it)
  3. … water the flowers three times a week. (I/she/he)
  4. … usually drinks tea in the morning. (I/he/they)
  5. … prefers to stay at home in the evening. (I/my sister/mу cousins)
  6. … works properly, (you/the workers/my watch)
  7. … never wears a scarf in winter. (Rita/we/my friends)
  8. … mend the roof of the house every summer, (his uncle/you/ my grandfather)
  9. … spend winter holidays in the mountains. (her cousins/she/Fred)
  10. … sometimes goes to the theatre. (my Granny/my parents/ту sisters)

Answers: 1. She; 2. We; 3. I; 4. He; 5. My sister; 6. My watch; 7. Rita; 8. You; 9. Her cousins; 10. My Granny.

Exercise 5. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в правильную форму.

  1. Frank sometimes … (to drink) milk for breakfast.
  2. They … (to like) to skate in winter.
  3. My friends and me sometimes … (to walk) in the park after school.
  4. His parents … (to spend) their vacations in the countryside.
  5. Her brother … (to work) as a security officer.
  6. The lessons in our school … (to start) at eight o’clock.
  7. Monica … (to walk) her dog twice a day.
  8. We sometimes … (to play) a game of chess in the evening.
  9. My Granny usually … (to buy) vegetables at the market.
  10. This show always … (to begin) at five o’clock.
  11. My cousins often … (to visit) me at weekends.
  12. Susan usually … (to have) a shower in the morning.
  13. It often … (to rain) in autumn.
  14. This car … (to cost) too much for us.
  15. You sometimes … (to take) your children to the theme park.

Answers: 1. drinks; 2. like; 3. walk; 4. spend; 5. works; 6. start; 7. walks; 8. play; 9. buys; 10. begins; 11. visit; 12. has; 13. rains; 14. costs; 15. take.

Exercise 6. Дополните предложения don’t или doesn’t.

  1. You … understand my idea.
  2. Your brother … often wash his car.
  3. My parents … get up late on week-days.
  4. I … buy a lot of sweets for my children.
  5. Kate … know the rules of this game.
  6. Carol and Pam … eat much for breakfast.
  7. Her uncle … wear jeans.
  8. My sister and me … want to go skating.
  9. I… expect you to follow my advice.
  10. Little Johnny … like to play alone.
  11. The car engine … work properly.
  12. My classmates … take part in this competition.
  13. This article … contain any useful information.
  14. These apples … look fresh.
  15. Some people … like to travel by plane.

Answers: 1. don’t; 2. doesn’t; 3. don’t; 4. don’t; 5. doesn’t; 6. don’t; 7. doesn’t; 8. don’t; 9. don’t; 10. doesn’t; 11.doesn’t; 12. don’t; 13. doesn’t;
14.don’t; 15. don’t.

Exercise 7. Сделайте предложения отрицательными.

  1. Martin often goes fishing in summer.
  2. You always buy fresh newspapers.
  3. His mother bakes tasty pies.
  4. This fruit salad tastes delicious.
  5. Pineapples grow in trees.
  6. My dog eats tomatoes and pears.
  7. People know a lot about the life on other planets.
  8. I always travel with my grandparents.
  9. They plant flowers and trees every spring.
  10. Girls always like to do the washing-up.

Answers: 1. Martin doesn’t often go fishing in summer. 2. You don’t always buy fresh newspapers. 3. His mother doesn’t bake tasty pies. 4.This fruit salad doesn’t taste delicious. 5.Pineapples don’t grow in trees. 6.My dog doesn’t eat tomatoes and pears. 7.People don’t know a lot about the life on other planets. 8. I don’t always travel with my grandparents. 9.They don’t plant flowers and trees every spring. 10. Girls don’t always like to do the washing-up.

Exercise 8. Дополните предложения don’t или doesn’t и дайте утвердительный и отрицательный ответы на вопросы.

  1. … you like to travel?
  2. … your friend go in for sports?
  3. … your parents like to play computer games?
  4. … your father drive a car?
  5. … your mother watch the news on TV in the evening?
  6. … your classmates always come to school in time?
  7. … your grandparents live in the country?
  8. … your mother often meet her friends?
  9. … you have a dream?
  10. … you often visit your grandparents?

Answers: 1. Do you like to travel? — Yes, I do./No, I don’t. 2. Does your friend go in for sport? — Yes, he (she) does./No, he (she) doesn’t. 3. Do your parents like to play computer games? — Yes, they do./No, they don’t. 4. Does your father drive a car? — Yes, he does./No, he doesn’t.
5. Does your mother watch the news on TV in the evening? — Yes, she does./No, she doesn’t. 6. Do your classmates always come to school in time? — Yes, they do./No, they don’t. 7. Do your grandparents live in the country? — Yes, they do./No, they don’t. 8. Does your mother often meet her friends? — Yes, she does./No, she doesn’t. 9. Dо you have a dream? — Yes, I do./No, I don’t. 10. Do you often visit your grandparents? — Yes, I do./No, I don’t.

Exercise 9. Сделайте предложения вопросительными.

  1. Liz and her sister often go skating to the skating-rink.
  2. Our teacher always prepares us for tests.
  3. Her dog likes to sleep on the sofa.
  4. We usually make photos for the school newspaper.
  5. Den often goes on a ride with his friends.
  6. Ted and Victor prefer to travel by car.
  7. It often rains in spring.
  8. His sister runs a small cafe.
  9. The Harrods usually visit their relatives in the country.
  10. All children like sweets and ice cream.

Answers: 1. Do Liz and her sister often go skating to the skating-rink? 2.Does our teacher always prepare us for tests? 3.Does her dog like to sleep on the sofa? 4.Do we usually make photos for the school newspaper? 5.Does Den often go on a ride with his friends? 6.Do Ted and Victor prefer to travel by car? 7. Does it often rain in spring? 8.Does his sister run a small cafe? 9.Do the Harrods usually visit their relatives in the country? 10. Do all children like sweets and ice cream?

Exercise 10. Составьте предложения, расставив слова в верном порядке.

  1. help/sister/with/your/washing-up/Does/you?
  2. on/early/He/Sunday/up/hates/get/to.
  3. much/the/don’t/seaside/at/We/time/spend.
  4. changes/spring/The/often/in/weather.
  5. you/relatives/visit/Do/often/your?
  6. phone/doesn’t/my/He/number/know.
  7. any/in/vegetables/grandparents/summer/her/Do/grow?
  8. often/trips/towns/goes/cousin/to/business/My/on/other.
  9. you/before/hands/always/wash/Do/meals/your?
  10. sugar/drink/My/without/tea/doesn’t/mother.

Answers: 1) Does your sister help you with washing-up? 2) He hates to get up early on Sunday. 3) We don’t spend much time at the seaside. 4) The weather often changes in spring. 5) Do you often visit your relatives? 6) He doesn’t know my phone number. 7) Do her grandparents grow any vegetables in summer? 8) My cousin often goes on business trips to other towns. 9) Do you always wash your hands before meals?
10) My mother doesn’t drink tea without sugar.

Exercise 11. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в правильную форму.

  1. Where … your brother usually … (to go) after classes? — He usually … (to go) to the swimming-pool. He … (to have) trainings four times a week.
  2. Why … your sister always … (to get up) so early in the morning? — Because she … (to help) my mother to cook breakfast for the whole family.— … you … (not to cook) breakfast for yourself? — No, I …. I usually … (to walk) the dog before going to school.
  3. What … you usually … (to do) on Saturdays? — Well, in the morning I … (to go) shopping with my mother and then I … (to take) my younger sister to the Art Studio. She … (to paint) very well and … (to dream) of becoming a designer.— … you … (to meet) your friends on Saturdays? — Of course, I … . We often … (to go) to the cinema or to the disco on Saturday evenings.
  4. Why … Fred … (to need) to buy flowers? — It… (to be) his sister’s birthday today. She … (to love) flowers and Fred … (to believe) it … (to be) the best present for her.
  5. What time … this programme … (to start)? — It always … (to start) at eight in the evening.— … you always … (to watch) it? — No, I… (not always to watch) it because sometimes I have to meet my younger brother at the tram stop. He often … (to return) from the football training at this time.

Answers:1. Where does your brother usually go after classes? — He usually goes to the swimming-pool. He has trainings four times a week. 2. Why does your sister always get up so early in the morning? — Because she helps my mother to cook breakfast for the whole family.— Don’t you cook breakfast for yourself? — No, I don’t. I usually walk the dog before going to school. 3. What do you usually do on Saturdays? — Well, in the morning I go shopping with my mother and then I take my younger sister to the Art Studio. She paints very well and dreams of becoming a designer.— Do you meet your friends on Saturdays? — Of course, I do. We often go to the cinema or to the disco on Saturday evenings. 4. Why does Fred need to buy flowers? — It is his sister’s birthday today. She loves flowers and Fred believes it is the best present for her. 5. What time does this programme start? — It always starts at eight in the evening.— Do you always watch it? — No, I don’t always watch it because sometimes I have to meet my younger brother at the tram stop. He often returns from the football training at this time.



  1. Павличенко О.М. Английский язык. Грамматический практикум. II уровень. — 2-е изд., испр. и доп. — X.: Ранок, 2012. — 304 с.
  2. Голицынский Ю.Б. Грамматика: Сборник упражнений. — 5-е изд., — СПб: КАРО, 2005. — 544 с. — (Английский язык для школьников).


