Поставьте глагол сказуемое в нужной форме

Поставьте глагол-сказуемое в нужной форме (Present, Past, Future Indefinite)

1. She (not/ to teach) English at school.
2. You (to meet) him yesterday?
3. The firm (to buy) new computers next month.
4. The Dean (to ask) many questions at the lecture last week.
5. Where you (to go) next summer?
6. They (to use) new scientific data for their last experiment.
7. When the concert (to be over) all the people (to leave) the hall.
8. Every year students (to take part) in scientific research.
9. The first computer (to appear) in the 1960-s.
10. If the weather (to be) fine, we (to go) to the village.

1)She doesn’t teach.
2) Did you meet him.
3) The firm will buy new.
4) The dean asked many.
5) Where will you go.
6) They used new.
7) When the concert was over all the people left the hall.
8) Every year students take part in.
9) The first computer appeared.
10) If the weather IS fine, we will go to the village.

Другие вопросы из категории

Nick helps me every day.

4. I already have done this work.

5. She was reading a book at 3 o’clock yesteday.

6. We had done all work by 5 o’clock.

7. We spoke French last Wednesday.

она ходит в детский сад (мы отводим её в детский сад) 3. Брат моей жены студент. Он не женат. 4. где живут родители вашего друга? они живут за городом. у них там небольшой дом. 5. Не звоните мне утром пожалуйста. Позвоните мне после 2 часов. 6. Я бы хотел поговорить с господином Смирновым. К сожалению, его сейчас нет. Позвоните, пожалуйста, в 3 часа. 7. мать моей жены пожилая женщина. Она была учительницей. Теперь она не работает. Она на пенсии. 8. Сколько лет сестре Николая? Ей 20 лет. Она работает и учится в институте. 9. Каждый день я встаю в 7 часов. Я не завтракаю дома. Я завтракаю в министерстве. 10. Мой друг менеджер. Он был хорошим студентом. Теперь он работает на фирме. 11. Вы были на уроке английского языка? да. Петров тоже был на этом уроке. нет он не был.

1. Pennsylvania Avenue is the route of the President’s inauguration procession every four years.
2. Washington, D.C. has many federal government buildings and the most important tourist attractions.
3. Most of the Washingtonians work at the government offices.

Читайте также

1. I ( to apply) a new method for my research work last year.
2. They ( to build) the Eiffel Tower in 1899.
3. Water( to boil) at 100 c.
4. Next year some new houses ( to appear) in our street.
5. Yesterday it ( to take) me 30 minutes to get to the centre of the town.

1) He (watch) TV every day.
2) My father (visit) our grandmother next week.
3) Usually they (not do) morning exercies.
4) Last summer my family (go) abroad.
5) Mike(not write) a letter yesterday.
6) In a week we (not buy) a new car.
2.Раскройте скобки. Поставьте to be в нужную форму. Переведите
1) Our today’s home task. very difficulf.
2) Yesterday children. more noisy.
3) I. not a student.
4) These books. very interesting.
5) This boy. a good pupil.

1. John (write) his name. 2. I (draw) a picture. 3. Tom (blow out ) the light. 4. The cat (drink) its milk. 5. The tree (fall) across the road. 6. John (give) his bicycle to his brother. 7. You (make) a mistake. 8. We (eat) our dinner. 9. The train just (go). 10. I just (tell) the answer. 11. George never (be) in Australia. 12. John and Richard just (go away). 13. The baker (sell) all his cakes. 14. I (read) this book.

2. В следующих предложениях измените время глагола на Present Perfect. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. The pupils are writing the dictation. 2. My friend is helping me to solve a difficult problem. 3. I am learning a poem 4. She is telling them an interesting story. 5. Kate is sweeping the floor. 6. The waiter is putting a bottle of lemonade in front of him. 7. I am eating my breakfast. 8. We are drinking water. 9. He is bringing them some meat and vegetables. 10 You are putting the dishes on the table.

3.Раскройте скобки, переведите. Помните, что в некоторых случаях употребляется Past SIMPLE!
1. When he (to come) home, his mother already (to cook) dinner.
2. When we (to come) to my friend’s house, he just (to leave).
3. When her husband (to enter) her office, she already (to finish) her work for that day.
4. Jennifer (to send) him an email after he (to call).
5. Andy (to ask) his friend before he (to propose) him his help.
6. We (to eat) a cake which I (to bring) an hour before.
7. My sister (to take) my dress which I (to buy) in Morocco.
8. I (to work) on the computer yesterday which I (to buy) a week ago.
9. I (to know) that my friend (not yet to complete) the test in the university.
10. Nick and his wife (to come) home from the theatre at five o’clock.
11. Nick and his wife (to come) home from the theatre by five o’clock.
12. She (to finish) my homework at seven o’clock.
13. She (to finish) my homework by seven o’clock.
14. They (to sell) their house before they (to buy) the new one.
15. He told me that he (to buy) a new car.
16. Yesterday I (to wake up), (to open) my eyes and (to remember) what I (to do) the day before.
17. She said that she (to have) a great vacation trip.
18. You (to complete) the test by Friday?
19. I (not to have) a lunch by the afternoon, so I was very hungry.
20. I (to fix) my car before my daughter (to return) back from school.

4.Поставь глагол в нужной форме (Past Perfect или Past Simple) в зависимости от смысла.

1. The house was very quiet when I got home. Everybody _____________(go) to bed.

2. I felt very tired when I got home, so I ______(go) straight to bed.

3. Sorry I am late. The car ______(break) down on my way here.

4. There was a car by the side of the road. It ________ (break) down and the driver was trying to repair it. So we _______ (stop) to help him.

5. Поставье глаголы в скобках в форму present, past или future perfect:

1. I hope you (not forget) all this by tomorrow. 2. I think she (cook) dinner by the time Mother (come) home. 3. He (be) a pensioner for ten years by next spring. 4. I hope they (tell) her the news by the time we (come). 5. Ask him when he (finish) packing. 6. What … you (do) when I (call) on you at 5
tomorrow? 7. He (search) every corner of your room before he (leave). 8. The plane (approach) Moscow at this time tomorrow. 9. By the time you (get) home we (prepare) everything for the party. 10. They (come) to see us next Sunday. 11. The doctor (examine) his last patient at this time tomorrow.

Hurry up the bus (to come) I (not / to want) to miss it.

He usually (to come) to see us on Sundays.

Where is the engineer? – He (to test) new equipment.

They (to spend) much time outdoors.

What you (to do) here? – I (to wait) for my friend.

He (to speak) French? – Yes, he (to speak) it quite fluently.

She (to write) letters to her mother every week.

You (to hear) anything? – I (to listen) hard, but I (not/to hear) anything.

They (to travel) in South America now.

I (to believe) you (to know) Chemistry well.

1.It (to take) me some minutes to work.

2.Carpenters (to make) things from wood.

3.Tom (not to play) football this season. He (to want) to concentrate his studies.

4.Oh boy, I (to forget) her name!

5.We (to read) about their adventure in the morning newspaper.

III. Поставьте глагол-сказуемое в нужной форме (Present, Past, Future Indefinite) 1.

III. Поставьте глагол-сказуемое в нужной форме (Present, Past, Future Indefinite) 1. She (not/ to teach) English at school.2. You (to meet) him yesterday? 3. The firm (to buy) new computers next month. 4. The Dean (to ask) many questions at the lecture last week. 5. Where you (to go) next summer? 6. They (to use) new scientific data for their last experiment. 7. When the concert (to be over) all the people (to leave) the hall. 8. Every year students (to take part) in scientific research. 9. The first computer (to appear) in the 1960-s. 10. If the weather (to be) fine, we (to go) to the village.

Поставьте глагол-сказуемое в нужной форме (Present, Past, Future Indefinite)

1. She (not/ to teach) English at school.
2. You (to meet) him yesterday?
3. The firm (to buy) new computers next month.
4. The Dean (to ask) many questions at the lecture last week.
5. Where you (to go) next summer?
6. They (to use) new scientific data for their last experiment.
7. When the concert (to be over) all the people (to leave) the hall.
8. Every year students (to take part) in scientific research.
9. The first computer (to appear) in the 1960-s.
10. If the weather (to be) fine, we (to go) to the village.

1)She doesn’t teach.
2) Did you meet him.
3) The firm will buy new.
4) The dean asked many.
5) Where will you go.
6) They used new.
7) When the concert was over all the people left the hall.
8) Every year students take part in.
9) The first computer appeared.
10) If the weather IS fine, we will go to the village.

Другие вопросы из категории

Nick helps me every day.

4. I already have done this work.

5. She was reading a book at 3 o’clock yesteday.

6. We had done all work by 5 o’clock.

7. We spoke French last Wednesday.

она ходит в детский сад (мы отводим её в детский сад) 3. Брат моей жены студент. Он не женат. 4. где живут родители вашего друга? они живут за городом. у них там небольшой дом. 5. Не звоните мне утром пожалуйста. Позвоните мне после 2 часов. 6. Я бы хотел поговорить с господином Смирновым. К сожалению, его сейчас нет. Позвоните, пожалуйста, в 3 часа. 7. мать моей жены пожилая женщина. Она была учительницей. Теперь она не работает. Она на пенсии. 8. Сколько лет сестре Николая? Ей 20 лет. Она работает и учится в институте. 9. Каждый день я встаю в 7 часов. Я не завтракаю дома. Я завтракаю в министерстве. 10. Мой друг менеджер. Он был хорошим студентом. Теперь он работает на фирме. 11. Вы были на уроке английского языка? да. Петров тоже был на этом уроке. нет он не был.

1. Pennsylvania Avenue is the route of the President’s inauguration procession every four years.
2. Washington, D.C. has many federal government buildings and the most important tourist attractions.
3. Most of the Washingtonians work at the government offices.

Читайте также

1. I ( to apply) a new method for my research work last year.
2. They ( to build) the Eiffel Tower in 1899.
3. Water( to boil) at 100 c.
4. Next year some new houses ( to appear) in our street.
5. Yesterday it ( to take) me 30 minutes to get to the centre of the town.

1) He (watch) TV every day.
2) My father (visit) our grandmother next week.
3) Usually they (not do) morning exercies.
4) Last summer my family (go) abroad.
5) Mike(not write) a letter yesterday.
6) In a week we (not buy) a new car.
2.Раскройте скобки. Поставьте to be в нужную форму. Переведите
1) Our today’s home task. very difficulf.
2) Yesterday children. more noisy.
3) I. not a student.
4) These books. very interesting.
5) This boy. a good pupil.

1. John (write) his name. 2. I (draw) a picture. 3. Tom (blow out ) the light. 4. The cat (drink) its milk. 5. The tree (fall) across the road. 6. John (give) his bicycle to his brother. 7. You (make) a mistake. 8. We (eat) our dinner. 9. The train just (go). 10. I just (tell) the answer. 11. George never (be) in Australia. 12. John and Richard just (go away). 13. The baker (sell) all his cakes. 14. I (read) this book.

2. В следующих предложениях измените время глагола на Present Perfect. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. The pupils are writing the dictation. 2. My friend is helping me to solve a difficult problem. 3. I am learning a poem 4. She is telling them an interesting story. 5. Kate is sweeping the floor. 6. The waiter is putting a bottle of lemonade in front of him. 7. I am eating my breakfast. 8. We are drinking water. 9. He is bringing them some meat and vegetables. 10 You are putting the dishes on the table.

3.Раскройте скобки, переведите. Помните, что в некоторых случаях употребляется Past SIMPLE!
1. When he (to come) home, his mother already (to cook) dinner.
2. When we (to come) to my friend’s house, he just (to leave).
3. When her husband (to enter) her office, she already (to finish) her work for that day.
4. Jennifer (to send) him an email after he (to call).
5. Andy (to ask) his friend before he (to propose) him his help.
6. We (to eat) a cake which I (to bring) an hour before.
7. My sister (to take) my dress which I (to buy) in Morocco.
8. I (to work) on the computer yesterday which I (to buy) a week ago.
9. I (to know) that my friend (not yet to complete) the test in the university.
10. Nick and his wife (to come) home from the theatre at five o’clock.
11. Nick and his wife (to come) home from the theatre by five o’clock.
12. She (to finish) my homework at seven o’clock.
13. She (to finish) my homework by seven o’clock.
14. They (to sell) their house before they (to buy) the new one.
15. He told me that he (to buy) a new car.
16. Yesterday I (to wake up), (to open) my eyes and (to remember) what I (to do) the day before.
17. She said that she (to have) a great vacation trip.
18. You (to complete) the test by Friday?
19. I (not to have) a lunch by the afternoon, so I was very hungry.
20. I (to fix) my car before my daughter (to return) back from school.

4.Поставь глагол в нужной форме (Past Perfect или Past Simple) в зависимости от смысла.

1. The house was very quiet when I got home. Everybody _____________(go) to bed.

2. I felt very tired when I got home, so I ______(go) straight to bed.

3. Sorry I am late. The car ______(break) down on my way here.

4. There was a car by the side of the road. It ________ (break) down and the driver was trying to repair it. So we _______ (stop) to help him.

5. Поставье глаголы в скобках в форму present, past или future perfect:

1. I hope you (not forget) all this by tomorrow. 2. I think she (cook) dinner by the time Mother (come) home. 3. He (be) a pensioner for ten years by next spring. 4. I hope they (tell) her the news by the time we (come). 5. Ask him when he (finish) packing. 6. What … you (do) when I (call) on you at 5
tomorrow? 7. He (search) every corner of your room before he (leave). 8. The plane (approach) Moscow at this time tomorrow. 9. By the time you (get) home we (prepare) everything for the party. 10. They (come) to see us next Sunday. 11. The doctor (examine) his last patient at this time tomorrow.

Hurry up the bus (to come) I (not / to want) to miss it.

He usually (to come) to see us on Sundays.

Where is the engineer? – He (to test) new equipment.

They (to spend) much time outdoors.

What you (to do) here? – I (to wait) for my friend.

He (to speak) French? – Yes, he (to speak) it quite fluently.

She (to write) letters to her mother every week.

You (to hear) anything? – I (to listen) hard, but I (not/to hear) anything.

They (to travel) in South America now.

I (to believe) you (to know) Chemistry well.

1.It (to take) me some minutes to work.

2.Carpenters (to make) things from wood.

3.Tom (not to play) football this season. He (to want) to concentrate his studies.

4.Oh boy, I (to forget) her name!

5.We (to read) about their adventure in the morning newspaper.


