Выберите слово с нужным по смыслу префиксом или суффиксом i know jim kerry

III. Выберите слово с нужным по смыслу префиксом или суффиксом?

Английский язык | 10 — 11 классы

III. Выберите слово с нужным по смыслу префиксом или суффиксом.

1. I know Jim Kerry is very popular but I find him totally childish / childlike.

2. I couldn’t work out whom the letter was from.

The signature was childish / childlike.

3. Sarah is so childish / childlike.

She always plays trick on her friends.

4. It was wonderful to watch the tiny lambs playing.

I got such childish / childlike pleasure from the experience.

5. Sophie is extremely sensitive / sensible at the moment.

Anything you say seems to upset her.

6. Karen is not a very sensitive / sensible person.

She wore high — heeled shoes for our four — mile walk.

7. I’ve never known her to tell a lie.

She’s a very true / truthful person.

8. I can never watch sad films that are based on true / truthful a story.

They always make me cry.

9. Susan is so intolerable / intolerant of other people.

She never accepts anyone else’s opinion, and she always thinks she knows best.

10. I find Mark’s behaviour intolerable / intolerant.

It’s unfair to be so selfish.

11. We’re having an economic / economical crisis at the moment.

James has lost his job and I don’t know how we are going to pay the rent.

12. It’s more economic / economical to drive slowly.

You can do a lot more miles to the gallop.

Вставить по смыслу слова look at this _____ monkey?

Вставить по смыслу слова look at this _____ monkey.

What a long_____ she has got!

Her ears are very _____.

Her eyes ___ small _____.

The ______ of body is brown.

The monkey’s _______ is very large and her ____ are sharp.

She likes to _____ bananas and other ______.

I think the _____ is very nice.

Переведите на русский?

Переведите на русский.

♥♡ Заранее спасибо : 3 Louisa My Aclott was born in Germantown , USA , on November 29 , 1832.

She was the second child in the Aclott family.

She had three sisters Anna , Elizabeth and May.

Her mother was kind and cheerful.

She did a lot of work about the house : she cooked , washed , sewed , cleaned the house , worked in the garden and helped the girls with their lessons .

But she always had time to hug the girls and listen to their stories.

Her father was a teacher.

He was very smart, kind and friendly.

He read to the girls, taught them and played with them.

Louisa was a smart , cheerful and talented girl.

She didn’t know what she was going to be in the future.

One day she wanted to be an actrees.

The next day she wanted to be a writer or a painter.

She was friendly and she loved playing with her friends and sisters.

The children played tag and hide — and — seek, climbed trees and went fishing.

Louisa enjoyed staging plays most of all.

She was the best writer and actrees .

Louisa enjoyed reading and writing.

She began to write when she was eight .

Louisa wrote poems, stories and plays.

She wrote about family , relatives and friends.

When she was eighteen, she published her first poem.

Then she published a short story.

She worked as a teacher and wrote poems and stories.

She became a famous writer.

Her books «Little Women» , «Little Man» , «Jo’s Boys» became popular all over the world.

Louisa helped all her family when she became famous.

She bought a new house for her parents and helped her sisters’ families.

Помогите изменить слова в скобках с помощью суффиксов срочно пожалуйста?

Помогите изменить слова в скобках с помощью суффиксов срочно пожалуйста!

— ic — ful — less — y — ous — ing — able — ed — ly

mum was young, she was very (AMBITION) __________________ and (SYMPATHY)

It helped her to make a good career.

She is not that young

now, but she is still (ACT) ________________ and (CREATE) ________________.

admire her because she is never

recently bought a new house.

Most of the rooms are very (SUN) ______________

and the only (UPSET) __________________thing about it is the old shabby

staircase which looks really (DANGER) __________________.

spring we got lost in London.

Hardly had I started to feel depressed as a (CHARM) _________________ old lady offered us her help and explained

to us how to use the map.

I could not believe that a complete stranger can be

so (HELP) ________________.

witch was very (WIT) _________________.

She was (EXCITE) __________________with the view of (HELP) __________________

They did not know how (DANGER) _______________ it was to stay alone

The moment was really (DRAMA) ___________________.

documents which contained all the necessary evidence were hardly (READ)_________________

after the flood.

Преобразуйте, есл необходимо, слова в скобках, так чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текста?

Преобразуйте, есл необходимо, слова в скобках, так чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текста.

Last year, when Isabel was still in secondary school, her teachers all siad that she was the .

(intelligent) student in her class.

They all wanted her to do the best that she could and were always telling her that she had to write .

(good) in her final exams and go to a really fantastick university.

(not believe) that she was any different from the other students in her class — she said to .

(they), I promise I .

(get) the best grades I can.

And she did, and by this time next month, Isabel .

(study) at once of the best universities in the world.

DARYL HANNAH The pretty mermaid looked up from the golden sand and the world fell in love with her?

DARYL HANNAH The pretty mermaid looked up from the golden sand and the world fell in love with her.

The film was Splash, and the mermaid was the famous actress, Daryl Hannah, who has also starred in such films as Roxanne and Blade Runner.

Daryl is tall and slender.

She has got long blond hair, large blue eyes and stunning features.

She looks fantastic in expensive clothes, but she prefers casual clothes which show off her natural beauty.

She is more than just another pretty face, however.

She is a complicated person whose character has many sides.

She is often in the public eye, but she is actually a very shy person who dislikes the crowds and noise of Hollywood parties.

Her shyness is a problem which she is trying to overcome with her friends’ help.

She is not the sort of person who expects help without giving anything back, however.

Daryl is an extremely caring person, and she says that she forgets her own problems when she is helping others.

She is also a romantic who believes in true love, so she wants to find someone very special before she starts a family.

Daryl’s lifestyle is quite simple.

When she is not working, her favourite activities are gardening, playing the piano and making pottery, all of which reveal the creative side of her character.

Daryl may prefer to sit in the shadows at parties, but when it comes to her beliefs she is not afraid to speak her mind.

She has strong views on the environment.

She believes that our modern lifestyle is destroying the environment.

For this reason, she is currently looking for a place in the countryside where she can build an environmentally — friendly house.

She says that she feels most relaxed when she is close to nature.

Underneath the success, shyness and simple lifestyle are Daryl’s very strong views on life.

As she says, «Find out what is important to you — and don’t be afraid to leave it!

» It is a pleasure to meet an actress who remains down — to — earth and sincere in a world where fame and success can often harm one’s character Можно и с переводчика, только чтобы понятно было.

Сделай эти предложения отрицательными?

Сделай эти предложения отрицательными.

Her hair was long last year.

We were in the living room.

The book was very interesting.

She was in london last month.

It was very cold.

Jim and Peter were lost in the forest last summer.



Sally was 7 years old.

She lived in a big house with her parents.

They loved her very much.

She had a beautiful room and many toys.

She had good friends and liked playing with them.

But Sally was not happy.

She had a secret.

Sally didn’t do her homework.

She didn’t know the letters of the alphabet, she couldn’t read and write.

And all other pupils in her class could do it very well.

When there was an exam Sally didn’t go to school.

She told her parents that she was ill.

She didn’t want to tell her parents and friends about her sad secret.

She thought : “They will say I’m a bad girl.

They will stop loving me!

” One day, Sally’s teacher asked the girl to write on the board.

Sally couldn’t do it.

After the lesson the teacher asked Sally to tell her the truth.

Sally said, «I don’t do my homework.

I don’t know how to read and write.

” The teacher listened to her.

She wanted to help Sally.

She told her : «That’s ok.

I will help you.

» So Sally and her teacher met every day after classes.

Sally worked hard.

Soon she could read and write!

And she learned a very important lesson : “There are a lot of good people who can help you.

Now Jen the has got many seeds?

Now Jen the has got many seeds.

She knows how to make bread for her children and friends.

Jen the Hen goes to her friends.

They are in the street near her house.

She wants them to help her.

But they are lazy.

Rephrase the underlined parts of the sentences using the words a) She was given a job in the new café which opened last week?

Rephrase the underlined parts of the sentences using the words a) She was given a job in the new café which opened last week.

B) Don’t talk to the man – he is very upset.

He has just lost his job.

C) She is working in the company which helps people find work.

D) She worked really hard but the money she got was ridiculous (смешные).

E) My father was promised a higher position in his company.

F) Her boss must pay her more money .

She can’t live on this little.

Complete the text?

Complete the text.

Use the appropriate forms of the words in brackets.

Jane Smith worked in a primary school.

She (work) there since the time she (leave) college and meet her (one) students.

She never (regret) the fact that her students were very young (child).

Jane (feel) absolutely satisfied with her job and (admit) that she (appreciate) her lessons with little boys and girls very much.

She like the time they (spend) in the classroom.

While her pupils (write), drawing or reading she often (think) how wonderful they were.

Если вам необходимо получить ответ на вопрос III. Выберите слово с нужным по смыслу префиксом или суффиксом?, относящийся к уровню подготовки учащихся 10 — 11 классов, вы открыли нужную страницу. В категории Английский язык вы также найдете ответы на похожие вопросы по интересующей теме, с помощью автоматического «умного» поиска. Если после ознакомления со всеми вариантами ответа у вас остались сомнения, или полученная информация не полностью освещает тематику, создайте свой вопрос с помощью кнопки, которая находится вверху страницы, или обсудите вопрос с посетителями этой страницы.

День Стирки Стриальная машина Брызгающая машина Кап, хлюп, бульк Всега, когда я использую свою стиральную машину Она плещется и брызги летят По всему полу Она плещется и брызги летят До самой двери Я спотыкаюсь И вступаю в лужи Думаю, я больше не буд..

1. как его зовут 2. Он человек 3. Он теплый 4. Он большой 5. У него какое настроение.

Andrew arrived in the bus stop at a quarter past twelve. Andrew arrived in New York at a quarter past five. Andrew arrived in the port at three quarters past six. Andrew arrived in the railway station at three quarters past eleven. Andrew arrived..

1 immediately 2 Nervously 3 Energetically 4 Carefully 5 Quickly.

Вы имели ввиду предложения 4 и 6? Тогда вот ответ : 4) вставляем слово HER — её 6) вставляем слово YOUR — твой ITS — его (её).

1. Mark celebrates his birthday. He loves it 2. Sally doesn’t like spiders. She hates them 3. That is Ben. Look at him 4. Can you repeat that , please. I can’t understand you 5. Lessons are boring. I don’t like them.

1. it 2. Them 3. Him 4. It 5. Them.

1)Longer 2)older 3)bigger 4)smaller 5)hotter 6)more quiet.

Моя сестра. Моя сестра идет в кинотеатр. Она читает журналы. Она ведет дневник. Она играет на гитаре. Она делант модели замков.

1 ever 2 any 3 should 4 anything 5 bit 6 lot 7 for 8 with 9 few 10 many.

Тренировочные упражнения по английскому языку, раздел «Словообразование» для учащихся 9-11 классов

Тренировочные упражнения по английскому языку, раздел «Словообразование» для учащихся 9-11 классов.

Учитель английского языка МАОУ гимназии № 6

Develop, achieve, move, arrange, treat, state, improve, agree, equip, govern, require, measure, announce, pave, amuse, argue, advertise, invest.

Beauty, thank, hope, doubt, c

Ex. 1. Переведите следующие слова, выделите в них суффиксы и префиксы:

Untrue, prehistoric, ultramodern, postwar, ex-champion, anti-body, de­ compose, decode, deform, depart, discover, disappearance, reread, re­construct, coauthor, unequal, misunderstand, undress, disarm, anti-fascist, cooperation, co-existence, interaction, superhuman, ultra-violet.

Ex. 2. Определите, к какой части речи относятся следующие слова. Переведите их:

Achievement — achieve, resistance — resistant, assistance — assist — assistant, celebration — celebrate, difference — different, city — citizen, na­tion — national — nationality, measure — measurement, develop — develop­ment, act — active — activity, contain — container, discover — discovery — dis­coverer, literature — literary, graduate — graduation — undergraduate — post-graduate, educate — education, progress — progressive, act — action — activity — active, govern — governor — government.

To lead, to write, to read, to visit, to speak, to sleep, to act, to direct, to conduct, to drive, to fight, to mine, to report, to sing, to skate, to swim, to teach, to travel, to sail, to invent, to found, to compose.

Special, social, art, capital, economy, international, piano, technic, ma­thematics, statistics, politics, music, electric, Russia, Hungary, Canada, In­dia.

are, aim, use, shape, fruit, power, thought, harm, colour.

Ex. 7. Образуйте прилагательные с помощью суффиксов able, —ible, переведите их на русский язык:

Change, convert, prevent, break, compare, desire, profit, read, comfort, respect, expect, fashion, flex.

Ex. 8. Найдите и выделите суффиксы в данных словах и определите, к ка­ кой части речи эти слова относятся:

British, foolish, understandable, heartless, pitiless, successful, experi­ment, function, musician, socialist, artist, capitalism, professional, funda­mental, industrial, doubtful, useful, different, treatment, creative, attrac­tive, peaceful, dangerous, elementary, childish, active, economic, director, worker, passage, marriage, silence, freedom, kingdom.

Red, tight, soft, deep, short, dark, bright, weak, black, white, sweet, sharp,

Ex. 10. Образуйте наречия с помощью суффикса -1у и переведи­те их:

Bad, first, part, quick, strong, short, silent, rapid, wide, extreme, cruel, kind, happy.

Turn, smile, smoke, snow, start, stay, step, stop, study, talk, visit, rest, air, paper, cover, handle, cause, watch, act, address, answer, brush, clean, cross, crowd, wave, wish, work, dance, doubt, dress, end, fight, help, hope, joke, laugh, lift, light, love, mind, paper, pencil, place, plan, play, post, re­ply, report, return, sail, show.

Ex. 12. Переведите на русский язык. Выделите словообразу­ ющие элементы. Определите, к какой части речи относятся данные слова:

React, reaction, reactor, reactivity; science, scientific, scientist; indust­ry, industrial, industrious; cold, coldly, coldness; dark, darkness, darken; happy, happily, happiness, unhappy; equal, equally, unequal, equality; free, freedom, freely; attention, attentive, attentively; sun, sunny, sunless; care, careful, careless, carefully, carelessness; to differ, different, difference, indifferent; England, English, Englishman; poison, poisonous, extreme, extremely, extremity, extremist, friend, friendship, friendly, unfriendly.

Ex. 13. Переведите следующие сложные слова:

Aircraft, airspace, Air Force, summer-resort, rest-house, custom-house, dining-room, dining car, living-room, fireplace, nightlife, newsagent, sunglasses, popstar, snowboarding, bungee jumping,

earthquake, greenhouse, laptop, software, science-fiction, solar system, so-called,

. haircut, hairbrush, icebox, newspaper, notebook, rain forest, lifetime, raincoat, sportsman, sunshine, sunrise, sunset, sunflower, body-piercing.

Ex. 14. Прочтите следующие пары слов, соблюдая ударения. Переведите их:

An accent — to accent, a contract — to contract, a content — to content, a contest — to contest, an increase-to increase, a convict — to convict, a perfect — to perfect, a record — to record, refuse-to refuse, a refugee-to refuge.

Ex. 15. Определите, к каким частям речи относятся выделен­ные слова:

1. Не works as a teacher. 2. I saw one of his works at the exhibition. 3. I was waiting for your report. 4. They report the results of their experi­ment every Monday. 5. His report contains some of his thoughts about the experiment. 6. You’ll make progress if you work hard. 7. He thought about his new work. 8. I have a present for you. 9. I am busy at pre­ sent. 10. He presented me with a book.

Powerful, inventor, high-quality, network, demoralize, profitable, dis­like, disagree, movement, shorten, incorrect, electricity, fruitful, fruitless, happiness, dangerous, noisy, sunny, rainy, badly, strongly, reading, teach­ing, rebuild, retell, leader, teacher, unhappy, unusual, translation, coopera­tion, schoolboy, icebreaker.

Ex. 17. Напишите сложные существительные, исходя из объяснений.

Например: A machine for drying hair – hair drier.

1. A thing for opening tins — A machine for playing records — A machine for mixing food — A thing that times eggs (when they are boilingThings for warming people’s legs — Stuff that kills flies — A liquid that removes paint — A tool that opens bottles — A thing for peeling potatoes — A liquid for removing eye makeup — Stuff for freshening the air — . .

Ex. 18. Распределите прилагательные по трем группам: 1) люди, 2) места, 3) вещи:

Obstinate, unspoilt, hand-made, waterproof, easy-going, breathtaking, aggressive, deserted, overgrown, overcrowded, cunning, picturesque, arrogant, long-lasting, spoilt, automatic, accurate, artificial.

Ex. 19Выберите слово с нужным по смыслу префиксом или суффиксом.

1. I know Jim Kerry is very popular but I find him totally childish / childlike. 2. I couldn’t work out whom the letter was from. The signature was childish / childlike. 3. Sarah is so childish / childlike. She always plays trick on her friends. 4. It was wonderful to watch the tiny lambs playing. I got such childish / childlike pleasure from the experience. 5. Sophie is extremely sensitive / sensible at the moment. Anything you say seems to upset her. 6. Karen is not a very sensitive / sensible person. She wore high-heeled shoes for our four-mile walk. 7. I’ve never known her to tell a lie. She’s a very true / truthful person. 8. I can never watch sad films that are based on true / truthful a story. They always make me cry. 9. Susan is so intolerable / intolerant of other people. She never accepts anyone else’s opinion, and she always thinks she knows best. 10. I find Mark’s behaviour intolerable / intolerant. It’s unfair to be so selfish. 11. We’re having an economic / economical crisis at the moment. James has lost his job and I don’t know how we are going to pay the rent. 12. It’s more economic / economical to drive slowly. You can do a lot more miles to the gallop.

Например: camp. building. bomb. – campsite, building site, bomb-site.

1. . test, . pressure, . donor.fall, . melon, . skiing.house, . grocer, . salad.club, . mare, . shift. 5. brief. suit. bookpaper. plastic. shoulderbow, . coat, . drop.shine, . rise, . set.works, . sign, . rage. 10. black. floor. noticelight, . break, . dream. shake, . writing, . book. cube, . berg, . rink. cake, . present, . card. scape, . lady, . slide. car, . center, . ground. 17. address. visitor’s. note. .

Ex. 20Дополните предложения сложными существительными в скобках (это могут быть и составные существительные, и существительные в притяжательном падеже в простой или аналитической форме).

1. Your coat is on the . (back, chair). 2. You’ve just spilt the. (milk, cat). 3. Can you buy some. (paper, toilet). 4. I never listened to my. (advise, parents). 5. Can you buy a. (wine, bottle) to have with supper? 6. What did that. (road, sigh) say? Did you see it? 7. It’s such a mess in here. There are empty . (wine, bottles) everywhere. 8. The. (Prime Minister, duties) include entertaining heads of the state. 9. The. (my shoe, heel) has come off. 10. Can I borrow your. (brush, hair)? 11. What happened at the. (film, end)? 12. Here is. (today, news). 13. Where is the nearest. (Metro, station)? 14. It’s my. (anniversary, parents, wedding) next week. 15. The. (company, success) is due to its efficiency. 16. I’ve got a. (fortnight, holiday) next month. 17. The. (government, economic policy) is confusing. 18. My children go to the local. (school, state). 19. The annual. (rate, inflation) is about 4 percent. 20. Are there any. (coffee, cups) in your bedroom? There are none in the kitchen. 21. Do you want a. (coffee, cup)?

Ex.21. Заполните пропуски глаголом или существительным: advice – to advise, use – to use, abuse – to abuse, belief – to believe, relief – to relieve, grief – grieve, excuse – to excuse, breath – to breathe, half – to halve, house – to house, safe – to save, bath – to bathe.

1. It is my personal. that this man is innocent. 2. Let me listen to your chest. Take a deep. and say “Ah”. 3. You should put your valuables in theDrug. is a terrible problem all over the world. 5. I know it isn’t good for my skin, but I love sunI’ve been so worried about you! It’s such a. to see you at last! 7. “What are we going to do with this cake?” “Cut it in two. You take. and I’ll take. .” 8. Can you show me how to. this new coffee machine? 9. The refugees are. in temporary accommodation. 10. She apologizes for her behavior, and said it was because she’d had a busy day, but that’s no. for breaking all the plates. 11. People need time to. after the death of someone they love. 12. Take my. . Never marry for money. Marry for love.

Ex. 22. Напишите слово противоположное по значению, используя префикс

Kind, honest, credible, appear, fair, equal, pleased, continue, fasten, normal, employed, friendly, trust, professional, known, cover, safe, use, probable, important, emotional.

1. Определите, к какой части речи относятся данные слова. Переведите их:

Beautiful, function, artist, musician, heartless, economic, worker, badly, act, action, active, basic, fruitless, population, movement, historic, democratic, work, daily, literature, pic­ture, organization, friendship, highly, leader, fight, fighter, national, im­pressive, hopeful, hopeless, beautiful, special, specialist, define, definition, humanism, humanist, humanistic, use, useful, useless.

2. Переведите слова на русский язык. Определите префикс и его значение:

Coauthor, undress, disarm, postwar, illegal, unkind, reconstruct, defor­mation, prewar, antihero, ex-champion, superhuman, disagreement,

Reason, beauty, hope, doubt, care, aim, use, desire, boy, success, heart, experiment, form, office, danger, fame, electron, base, nature, cloud, sun, child, Scott, history, home.

4. Переведите предложения. Определите, к каким частям речи относятся выделенные слова. Назовите сложные слова:

1. Many pupils study English. 2. My grandfather has a large study. 3. Who ruled this country? 4. All sportsmen must obey the rules of the game. 5. The Soviet Union is tied by friend­ship with India in their work for peace. 6. All peace-loving people work for peace for the whole of mankind.

5. Назовите глаголы, от которых образованы следующие сущест­вительные:

Protection, show, writer, worker, movement, investigation, achieve­ ment, statement, reader, department, equipment, construction, organiza­tion, reporter, arrival, improvement, conductor, establishment, develop­ment, education, definition, regulation, assistance, agreement.

6. Переведите без словаря. Определите, к какой части речи относятся слова:

a) Specialist, institute, university, culture, cultural, centre, central, nation, national, international, orga­nization, minister, na­ture, natural, traditional, progressive, moral, social, socialist, public, programmer, popular, modern, revolution, revolutionary, final, talent, continent, festival, political, experiment, experimentation, electricity, technical, transformation, system, systematically, practice, practical, seminar, lecture, lecturer, period, historic, history, professor, complex, form, acceleration, instrument, philosopher, idea, basic, fundamental, conceptions, mass, class, element, motor, method, problem, energy, radio, text, material, temperature, progress, television.

b) 1. France and England are European countries. 2. In the evening we like to listen to classical music. 3. We saw a comedy at the Drama Theatre last night. 4. Your train leaves from platform two. 5. This jazz orchestra gave several concerts in our town. 6. In 1610 Galileo constructed the first tele­ scope in the world. 7. This was a dangerous experiment.

7. Проанализируйте следующие слова, какие они? Определите их сос­тавляющие. Переведите на русский язык:

Ice-hockey, world-wide, bedroom, newspaper, long-term, birthplace, sportsman, apple-juice, peace-loving, schoolchildren, football, highland, te­levision, underground, north-west, sometimes, lowland, landscape, well-known, multinational, network, vice-president.

8. Поставьте слово, указанное в скобках, в нужную форму.

1. My father is very. (act) even though he’s seventy. 2. I’ve always wanted to work in the theatre, but. (act) it isn’t a very secure profession. 3. I. (hope), we’ll soon find a solution to the problem. 4. Look. (care) to the left and to the right before crossing the road. 5. It was very. (care) of you to lose my watch. 6. I take two. (day) newspapers and three Sunday papers. 7. You’ve broken my camera! Look at it! It’s. (use)! 8. Thanks for the advice. It was really. (use). 9. I have some very. (noise) neighbours. 10. She became. (fame) as a result of her invention.

1. This is the mostconcert I‘ve ever been to. (Expense)

2. Her husband’s not a very…. person. (Patience)

3. Susan is very…. and wants to do well. (Ambition)

4. Show some……. Don’t you like the idea? (Enthuse)

5. Her problem is that she has not enough……in herself. (Confide)

6. Dan is really very……, even rude sometimes. (Polite)

7. I haven’t been to the cinema…… . (Recent)

8. Mary…… and they never s aw her again. (Appear)

1. Most people have no real…… in ghosts.(Believe)

2. Mark Twain wrote many…… stories. (Humour)

3. The children’s…… at the concert was excellent. (Behave)

4. Rita asked for a …… and cashier gave her one. (Receive)

5. Do you think you have the…… to pass the exam? (Able)

6. You need a lot of …… to write a good story. (Imagine)

7. I read an interesting …… in the newspaper. (Advertise)

8. Their friendship began in their …… . (Child)

1. I’m telling you the ……! I swear! (True)

2. Your composition isn’t good enough. You’ll have to …… it. (Write)

3. Did you know Ann used to work as a …… when she was younger? (Wait)

4. They need your …… before they can do it. (Sign)

5. It all happened quite…… . I didn’t have time to think. (Sudden)

6. I’m sure his new film is going to be a huge…… .(Succeed)

7. Did Paul give an …… for his actions? (Explain)

8. The …… of the village are all very kind. (Inhabit)

1. The leaflet gives a brief…… of each place. (Describe)

2. Can you give us a quick …… of how it works? (Explain)

3. Olga broke the vase during an …… with her husband. (Argue)

4. Gold is a very …… metal. (Value)

5. Peter began to feel depressed and …… . (Help)

6. His book is the result of years of …… research. (Care)

7. This snake is not …… at all. (Danger)

8. The bright flowers make the room look….. . (Cheer)

1. Teenagers nowadays are more interested in ……. problems. (Globe)

2. Have you seen the new Levi …… on TV? (Advertise)

3. I looked everywhere but I couldn’t find him. He’s …… (Appear)

4. It’s very…… to drink and drive. (Danger)

5. Can you give me some more …… about this adventure holiday? (Inform)

6. We need to put up some …… for tonight’s party. (Decorate)

7. The weather today will be cold and…… . (Wind)

8. Margarita was very …… with the service. (Satisfy)

1. They put a lot of …… on him to agree to their demands. (Press)

2. I’ve had three…… nights and l feel exhausted. (Sleep)

3. If you have problems with your ……, see a doctor. (Circulate)

4. I’m feeling very …… today. I think I’ll go for a run. (Energy)

5. Remember that …… are also human. (Examine)

6. His nose was quite …… for days after he’d it pierced. ( Pain)

7. There are a lot of …… restaurants in this area. (Fashion)

8. Although she isn’t beautiful, most men find her quite…… (Attract).

1.The food was completely …… ; he was a useless cook.(Taste)

2. There were over 500 ……to the temple every day.(Visit )

3. You can’t hope to win the race without any …… .(Train)

4. In spite of her ……,Jane continued her journey.(Hungry )

5.Hard as he tried, he was unable to find …… .(Solve )

6.I …… speaking, I don’t think Latin is a useful subject.(Person)

7.You need to organize your time more …… (Efficient )

1. Stories are more ……. than lists of words.(Memory )

2. His exam results were very …… . (Please )

3. Passing exams will help you to get a ……job.(Good )

4. You should revise on a regular …… (Base )

5. There are books that are specially …….for foreign learners.(Simple )

6. A degree is a very useful…….to have.(Qualify )

7. I hope you will take into …… what I have just said to you.(Consider )

8. This new book had many beautiful ……in it.(ILLUSTRATE)

1.My aunt became …….when she went to America.

2.Paul sings …….; I’m surprised he isn’t a professional singer. (Beauty)

3.I was …….to see all my old friends again. (Delight )

4.They bought some …… for their new house. (Furnish )

5. She lives in a really ……mansion in the suburbs. (Luxury )

6. Are you sitting ……. in that chair? (Comfort )

7.Everyone was nervous about the ……’s visit. (Inspector)

8.Our teacher has a really strong ……. . (Person)

9.His father has the best …… of ancient coins. (Collect)

1.The teacher wanted to know what my greatest …….(Ambitious)

2.I……ever go to the theatre. I don’t like it.(Hard )

3.Marina has a very …… manner, which I appreciate.(Relax)

4.Her son took part in the world ……last year.(Champion)

5.I was …….when victor said I was beautiful.(Flatter)

6. Julia got a ……for best leading actress.(Nominate )

7.She’s a very ……thinker.(Origin)

8.Her friend is very …….! You can trust him.(Rely)

III. Выберите слово с нужным по смыслу префиксом или суффиксом. 1. I know Jim Kerry is very popular but I find him

totally childish / childlike.

2. I couldn’t work out whom the letter was from. The signature was childish / childlike.

3. Sarah is so childish / childlike. She always plays trick on her friends.

4. It was wonderful to watch the tiny lambs playing. I got such childish / childlike pleasure from the experience.

5. Sophie is extremely sensitive / sensible at the moment. Anything you say seems to upset her.

6. Karen is not a very sensitive / sensible person. She wore high-heeled shoes for our four-mile walk.

7. I’ve never known her to tell a lie. She’s a very true / truthful person.

8. I can never watch sad films that are based on true / truthful a story. They always make me cry.

9. Susan is so intolerable / intolerant of other people. She never accepts anyone else’s opinion, and she always thinks she knows best.

10. I find Mark’s behaviour intolerable / intolerant. It’s unfair to be so selfish.

11. We’re having an economic / economical crisis at the moment. James has lost his job and I don’t know how we are going to pay the rent.

12. It’s more economic / economical to drive slowly. You can do a lot more miles to the gallop.


